Radical ecologies ( deep ecology, eco-feminism, and social ecology)

Radical ecologies ( deep ecology, eco-feminism, and social ecology)

Read four acedemic articles from required reading list that address the radical ecologies of deep ecology, eco feminism, and social ecology. Respond in essay form to the following questions ;

1) In you own words , provide a brief description of deep ecology, eco feminism, and social ecology.

2) Briefly analyze the strengths and limitations of each perspective.

3) Apply some of the key concepts of these radical ecologies to social work practice.

required reading list is below—————-

Required reading:

Norton, C.L. (2012). Social work and the environment: An eco-social approach. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21(3), 299-308.

Besthorn, F.H. (2012). Deep ecology’s contributions to social work: A ten-year retrospective. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21(3), 248-259.

Ungar, M. (2002). A deeper, more social ecological social work practice. Social Service Review, 76(3), 480-497.

Besthorn, F. H., & McMillen, D. P. (2002). The oppression of women and nature: Ecofeminism as a framework for an expanded ecological social work. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 83(3), 221‑232. (Article in Blackboard SOWK 303 Additional Resources file)

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