Orwell, 1984: What was one of Orwell’s major warnings to his readers?

Orwell, 1984: What was one of Orwell’s major warnings to his readers?

Orwell, 1984

Question for paper 3: Written in the late 1940s, the novel 1984 was a warning to western audiences. What was one of Orwell’s major warnings to his readers, and how was it based on the historical developments and geopolitical conditions of the age in which he wrote? Remember that the point of the paper is to make an argument of your own rather than repeating the author’s argument.

It should be 900-1400 words long, double spaced, with margins wide enough for comment. Put your name, section number, and title of the book at the top. No citations or footnotes, WITH THE EXCEPTION of a page number from the text after any direct quotation.

Do not quote or refer to any external sources, including the introduction or Professor Cox’s lectures. Concentrate entirely on what you can learn about history from reading 1984 as a primary source, i.e. a text from a past period of history. Very short quotes are allowed to illustrate a point (followed with a page number in parenthesis), but do not fill up your paper with long quotes from the text.

( When you submit a paper, it should be your own ideas conveyed in your own words. Do not submit a paper that contains material downloaded or copied from the web. Do not paraphrase the ideas of others and submit them as your own. Do not cite material without making it clear that it has been written by someone else. Do not submit a paper that you have written for another course. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense, and the penalties for it range from an F for the written work to an F for the entire course for those with previous offenses. )

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