Myths, Rituals, and Realities in Writing

Myths, Rituals, and Realities in Writing

In the first chapter of The Prentice Hall Essential Guide for College Writers, the author discusses several myths that many people believe about writing and describes the rituals and practices that make successful writers. You have also seen the Writing: Myth and Reality media piece about the common myths that many learners bring to a writing course in college.

After you have thoroughly read and closely considered Chapter 1 of The Prentice Hall Essential Guide for College Writers and reviewed the media piece carefully, post a detailed, thoughtful response to the information in these sources based on your own experiences and referring directly to the text and media. Do not attach your discussion post in a Word document; please type your post in the text field in the discussion area. Answer the following questions:

  • What myths did you bring to this English Composition course?
  • What writing rituals or practices do you have that you believe are beneficial or detrimental to your success as a writer?

Reid, S. P., & DelliCarpini, D. (2017). The Prentice Hall guide for college writers (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134216577.

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