Read and answer questions, I need it in under one hour

Read and answer questions, I need it in under one hour…

The article really gets moving on the third page of the article (which was originally pg 5 in the book). There we see the idea of the “social life” of the commodity. On the same page we hear of the “ontology” of a commodity. Ontology is a branch of philosophy that deals with being and existence. Basically, Faris is saying that artists are interested in how a commodity (a can of GOYA beans, a pair of NIKE sneakers, an IPHONE) came into existence. Artists are so interested in this precisely because companies work so hard to hide that history from us.

1. Faris suggests that artists now are doing new things with commodities. What are two changes that she notices in the work of artists in the neoliberal period?

2. What questions should we (as installation art critics) ask about the art that we see?

3. What are commodity chains? How and why have they become more complex since the rise of neoliberalism? What is the relationship between commodity chains and ethical awareness?

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