eng 315 week 2 discussion and response

eng 315 week 2 discussion and response

“Professional Format and Style”

How you do anything is how you do everything. – T. Harv Eker (from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)

This course is a mixture of learning a new format (business style) and adapting your English language skills to a different audience. Business communication relies equally on format (how you communicate) and content (what you say).

Respond to ONE of the following:

  1. Discuss the Eker quote as it pertains to your professional experience and the material for Week 2
  2. Find a quality resource that discusses the importance of format OR find a quality support that proves format does not matter in the context of the professional environment.

RESPOND to this as well


RE: Week 2 | Discussion


As far as the quote, How you do anything is how you do everything. – T. Harv Eker (from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind); in my opinion it means that the passion, the work, the energy you put into anything is how you do everything. If you go through life, doing the minimal at work, not extra effort and expect to be recognize for you work it will never happen. this also accounts for how you communicate, if you communicate in a professional way all the time that is the way you will will always be view.


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