writing response

writing response

Writing Response — WR

This week’s writing response should address both Schlosser and Nestle. In the summary section of the paper, be sure to provide a summary of both articles. In the synthesis section (and in the response section), you may combine both articles into the discussion. I’ve attached the WR assignment sheet and rubric

Most weeks you will complete Writing Responses (WR). These writing responses are aimed at giving you lots of practice writing and thinking about course context in a low-stakes environment. They will also get you in the habit of writing frequently, so that you will be better prepared to tackle the longer assignments we complete throughout the semester.

Writing Responses (WR) are composed of three parts: summary, synthesis, and response.

Summary: Your WR should begin with a brief summary of the article (or articles) assigned that week. These summaries should be relatively concise but complete enough to capture the nuances of the argument/narrative/etc. Summarizing will help you practice careful reading and help you to digest the readings we do each week.

Synthesis: In this section, you will connect the article(s) to other readings/texts (we’ll be looking at films and video clips too) from the class (or other readings from that week). This will help you to practice looking for ideas in multiple contexts. The synthesis can discuss similarities and differences, but you should always be on the lookout for insightful and nuanced connections or distinctions.

Response: This is the section of the paper where you are invited into the conversation. You should offer your own thoughts, insights, and arguments based on the course texts. Be sure to engage with the ideas in the piece and move beyond surface level responses like “This was really cool” or “This was boring.” Instead, take the ideas and test them against your own knowledge and experience, offer your own ideas, etc.

During some weeks, we will address a reading both in Voice Thread video responses and in Writing Responses. In these cases, you’ll want to be sure to go deeper in your Writing Response and be careful not to repeat what you said in your video response.

Details: Writing Responses are always due on Sunday night at 11:59pm. They should be 2-3 pages (double-spaced).

You can find this article in the course textbook Food: A Reader for Writers beginning on page 254.

i have attached the Schlosser article

Plagiarism will not be accepted. Please follow all rules. i have attached rubric to the paper. Please make sure it follows the guidelines of this post as well as the rubric

for the second reading this is the link to the book


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