week 2 portion of my project

week 2 portion of my project

Project scope management entails ensuring that the project includes all of the work required throughout the project life cycle from planning to deployment (Project Management Institute, 2004). The detailed functional, operational, technical, and security requirements have been identified in the Week 1 Project Background section.


Good project planning starts with an understanding of the requirements. For this project, you will continue to build your Software Project Management Plan by adding content for the Scope and Requirements Analysis section. Refer to the project background material for additional information.

The deliverables for this assignment are as follows:

  • Update the Software Project Management Plan title page with a new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Scope
    • Briefly summarize each of the major functional, technical, operational, and security deliverables.
    • Identify what will not be included in the project. This section should identify any areas that might be confused by the stakeholders as deliverables.
    • Describe how scope changes will be managed in the project.
  • Requirements
    • This section will extend the summary provided in the project scope.
    • Sufficient detail should be included to allow work to proceed on engineering the design.
    • Functions, performance, quality, service levels, and any other important requirements should be included in this section.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
  • Name the document “yourname_CS640_IP2.doc.”


Project Management Institute. (2004). Project management body of knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.pmi.org

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