To what extent is language more important for the postmodernist and postcolonial writers than for the modernists?

To what extent is language more important for the postmodernist and postcolonial writers than for the modernists?

1. Description You will write an argumentative essay in which you develop, support, and provide evidence to a well-developed thesis responding to the topics below. Remember that in any paper you write, you will try to persuade the reader of your point. To do this you must exercise the three appeals: logos, pathos, and ethos. Similarly, persuasion will require you to take a stand, so be sure to have a strong thesis that encourages the reader to adopt your point of view. In order to support your paper, you must support your arguments with direct quotations. Unsupported statements weaken your argument. Failure to support your statements with direct quotations, even where you show proper knowledge of the material, will not result in a passing grade. You are required to answer one of the following prompts or, alternatively, to develop your own topic with my permission. In all cases, make sure your thesis statements are clear and that you support your statements using three (3) texts that we have discussed in class. Furthermore, these topics will be more involved, and I recommend that you begin to research early and promptly. These foreign sources must be accredited. Let me know if there are any questions.

Answer this topic – To what extent is language more important for the postmodernist and postcolonial writers than for the modernists? Is language more stable now? Could you connect the issue of language in at least three stories with events happening in our day and age? read these stories and answer this topic by supporting statement above by referencing these stories listed below “Happy Endings,” by margaret atwood “Harrison Bergeron” by kurt vonnegut “Girl” By Jamaica kincaid

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