To demonstrate your comprehension, complete the journal assignment below that matches the chapter you read.

To demonstrate your comprehension, complete the journal assignment below that matches the chapter you read.

For this week’s writing assignment you will choose which chapter from adolescent development to read. To demonstrate your comprehension, complete the journal assignment below that matches the chapter you read.

You only complete ONE of the assignments below. Make sure to indicate which chapter you chose.

Chapter 14 – Journal Choice (15 pts)

Talk to two adults who, as adolescents, acted impulsively and did something that could have potentially cause great harm to themselves and/or other people. What do they recall about their thinking at the time of the incident? How would their actions differ now? What do their answers reveal about the adolescent mind?

You must reference specific information about the adolescent mind and brain development from Chapter 14 in your analysis.


Chapter 15 – Journal Choice (15 pts)

Describe a time when you overestimated how much other people were thinking about you. How was your mistake similar to and /or different from adolescent egocentrism?

You must reference specific information about logic and self from chapter 15 in your response.


Chapter 16 – Journal Choice (15 pts)

Locate a news article about teenagers who committed suicide. Can you find evidence in the article that there were warning signs that were ignored? Does the report inadvertently encourage cluster suicides?

Refer to chapter 16 to support your analysis and conclusion about what you read in the article.

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