The Yin-Yang and Hegelian model

The Yin-Yang and Hegelian model


(a) This is the main philosophical writing of each student. Your term paper is due by midnight/23:59 of 18 January 2019 (Friday) [in electronic version of the MS Word file to be submitted in “Dropbox for Term Papers” at the class website]

(b) The length of the main text of the term paper is 5 full pages (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font with size 12, 1-inch margin–thus around 300 words each full page, total 1500 words) but no more than 6 full pages.

(c) The citation references (say, for the two distinct engaging approaches under your examination) should be put in a separate part “References” at the end of the paper (after the main text part). [The citation- reference-giving format: <1> in the main text: say, “…([family name][cited material’s publication year], [page number])…” – for example, “…(Smith 2015, 30)…”; <2> in “References”: see the format of the entries in “Subject Bibliography” of the textbook Chinese Philosophy A-Z.

(d) As for how to write philosophy papers, endeavor to follow those guidelines given in Reading #20 of Course Reader, “Some Suggestions for Writing Philosophy Papers” (by Martin Benjamin)

Term paper topic:

Explain how the Yin-Yang way of thinking (the Yin-Yang model of interaction and transformation) together with the Hegelian model can help you look at distinct approaches to one issue in philosophy, or one issue in your own area of study, or one issue/event in public areas of contemporary times.

Required steps/contents and hints:

(1) Briefly present major points of the Yin-Yang way of thinking, especially its distinct crucial features in contrast to the distinct crucial features of the Hegelian model (also briefly presented), as they are specified and explained in this class. [1.5 pages]

(2) Identify one issue (as “the object of study” under your examination, either in philosophy, or in your own area of study, or in public areas of contemporary times) to which there are two distinct engaging approaches under examination, and briefly present each of the two distinct approaches, distinguishing each one’s “perspective” dimension (i.e., its own working perspective pointing to some aspect of the issue in its focus) and its “guiding-principle” dimension (i.e., its attitude towards the relation between its own working perspective and the other perspective from the other approach, if any). [1.5 pages]

(3) Apply the Yin-Yang way of thinking together with the Hegelian model to give your analysis of how we should “adequately” look at the relation between the “perspective” dimensions of the two approaches [whether or not each of these two distinct perspectives is “eligible” (i.e., capturing some aspect really possessed by the issue), and, if yes, how they can jointly or complementarily contribute to your understanding and treatment of the issue under examination], in view of one (or more than one) of the suggested “adequacy” conditions for how to maintain “adequate” methodological guiding principles to look at distinct perspectives (as given in Part 3 of Reading #1, pp.31-4). [2 pages]

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