the question is written in the DESCRIPTION below.

the question is written in the DESCRIPTION below.

Read this article about jazz and civil rights. Research the topic further on your own.… (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Go to YouTube (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and watch a few videos of Louis Armstrong. Then, read the following articles: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Day One: Monday:

In your opinion, did jazz hasten or hinder the civil rights movement? Do you think that Louis Armstrong helped to advance civil rights or was he an example of the “Uncle Tom” scenario that is mentioned in the article you read. Remember that these were very different times in America, and your research into these topics needs to take in account the society of the day. Think of topics such as band segregation, audience segregation, pay, and fame. Cite any articles you quote. Please be respectful!

Discussion Rubric

You will be graded in the Discussion Group activities based on the following rubric:

1. Read assigned research articles

2. Conduct your OWN research into the topics using your Information Literacy skills, and bring that knowledge to your posted opinions, cite or give links to your supporting research information.

2. Post opinions and responses on assigned days. You are required to post once each of the active days of your Discussion activities.

3. Posted opinions need to be thoughtful, and how that you have read the assigned

articles. Posts do not need to be especially lengthy, but generally a paragraph in

length will allow you to state your opinion and back it up. You will be graded on the

quality of your posts, including references to research information you found. You should also write in a manner that is appropriate for university writing assignments, using complete sentences, and correct grammar and spelling.

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