The power of humor in trauma

The power of humor in trauma

The Paper needs to be formatted in the outline below: Overview: introduction, motivation and purpose, study design, sequence of the paper, key definitions and limitations of the study. II.A literature Review: report and critique of readings. III.Original Work: your own observations, experience, interviews, study etc. IV.Summary/Discussion of Findings and Limitations: A discussion of the work reported on in II. and III. V.Conclusions, Recommendations etc.: the student’s reflections on the paper, its usefulness and where to go next with the topic etc. This paper needs to explore the power of humor and positive psychology and how it can be used to combat and reframe traumatic experiences. Is there a wrong time for humor? Does the use of humor work more effectively for any particular population? Must include a reference from Humor: the psychology of living buoyantly by Herbert M. Lefcourt, 2001

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