the mona lisa

the mona lisa

The Mona Lisa is Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting. In fact, ‘she’ is the most famous painting in the world. She is even considered to be the most famous work of art in the world. Why do you think she’s become so famous? Do you think the original painting has been enhanced or diminished by this change in status? Explain how. Respond to this question. Your response should be approximately 700 words.

we were advised to read Becoming Mona Lisa (PDF attached) and read what we can on Leonardo da Vinci.

This essay should start with a brief description of the artwork, in which you display your knowledge of vocabulary and concepts learned in this semester where appropriate. You must include your own ideas in these essays, arguing your case well. Please note that your paper must be entirely original – though you will likely use sources, you will credit those sources. Assembling together passages from web pages or books, cutting and pasting together a paper from other people’s sources or writings is plagiarism and will be punished as such, even if you footnote those sources.

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