Stand up nation

Stand up nation

4-5 pages

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1) Write about how a comedian has changed your mind about or made you rethink a cultural issue. The issue or issues can be anything from politics to race to sexuality to drugs to religion to education to war to gender to love to bacon to death to language to anything that a comedian has made you reconsider.

The paper should first describe your initial position/feelings about the issue, then present your interpretation of the comedians point of view, and finally illustrate how it has changed your beliefs, positively or negatively from where you began.

You can use any comedian(s) you want, from class or not. If nothing else, its an excuse to spend hours on end trolling for stand-up clips. Good times.

2) This paper topic allows the student to become the Master for once. Its your chance to decide what should be on the syllabus. Between now and the due date, your assignment is to watch TWO comedians with similar thematic elements on your own, or with friends and familyor a pet of whom youre particularly fond. Once you watch them, imagine youre responsible for leading a discussion about them. What would you impart to your students about humor, stand-up, and any specific issues that these performers represent? It is important that you actually watch the comedians you discuss, because ideally, this class will have changed the way you think about comedy youve seen 20 times. Youre getting college credit to watch funny people: appreciate that, dont take it for granted.

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