Software Construction 5

Software Construction 5

  • Update the Software Reengineering Project document title page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Software Construction Tools and Techniques
    • Use at least 1 software construction technique and associated tool to perform the changes to the APIs in the application recommended in the Week 3 part of the project.
    • Submit the modified application along with a new section of the project document describing the changes that were made and the techniques and tools that were used to make the changes.
    • This is the last step of the key assignment. It should bring together all aspects of the project in 1 cohesive paper and software solution.
    • Revise the previous sections so the entire document flows and has a strong introduction and conclusion.
    • The application files will be submitted as a single ZIP file, including all source code and executable files.
  • Software Reengineering Project
    • Review the entire document for any changes and improvements that you would like to make.
    • All aspects of the document should present a cohesive report, and each weekly topic should coincide with the other weeks.
    • Ensure that this final version of the plan is sufficiently detailed to allow the reader to confidently move forward with the same changes to the application that you have recommended.
    • Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes.
    • Be sure to update your Table of Contents before submission

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