Sociology paper on obesity 2-3 pages.

Sociology paper on obesity 2-3 pages.

Sociology paper. 3 pages.


Is obesity contagious? Could it diffuse from friend to friend? How would you design a study to find out? Answer these questions drawing especially upon materials from classes 8–11, 16–17 and 20–22. (8-10 are attached, I will attach the rest in the chat) Take a position, i.e., put forward your hypothesis, develop your argument, which should be the first half of your assignment and then, turn to a study design which you think could prove or disprove what you hypothesized. Be realistic when setting up your design, and discuss ethical concerns if any with the proposed study. Max 3 pages, including figures/tables, references.

Recommended reading:

Nicholas A. Christakis, and James H. Fowler. 2008. The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network. New England Journal of Medicine, 358(21): 2249–2258.

Bellafante, Gina. In Obesity Epidemic, Poverty Is an Ignored Contagion. New York Times,… (March 16, 2013)

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