Religion and the state in Canada

Religion and the state in Canada

Religion and the state in Canada. My essay has to be about how these 5 cases below that I’ve listed all deal with Expression in ways like believing, saying and acting. If you could please give each case an overview and analysis (Identify the key issues and how the judges and the court dealt with it, also touch on the dissenting judge if there is one). Throughout the paper, if you could show how each case relates or contrasts from one another. Try to explain how they all relate together somehow or how some of them relate and others do not. The writer can come up with a “purpose” for this paper after getting a feel of each case and take a stand. The paper needs at least 8-10 sources.

Each case counts as a source already once you mention it. If you could please use footnotes when you cite. Bibliography in alphabetical order. – Multani v. Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (2006)264 D.L.R. (4 )577 (S.C.C.). – R. v. N.S., 2012 SCC 72 (CanLII). – Ishaq v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2015 FC 156 (CanLII); 2015 FCA 151 (CanLII); 2015 FCA 194 (CanLII); 2015 FCA 212 (CanLII). – Alberta v. Hutterian Brethren of Wilson Colony, 2009 SCC 37 (CanLII). – Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott, 2013 SCC 11 (CanLII)

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