Questions about The Crying Lot of 49 by Thomas Pynchon.

Questions about The Crying Lot of 49 by Thomas Pynchon.

  • In Chapter 4, Pynchon writes, “Oedipa wondered whether, at the end of this (if there was supposed to be an end), she too might not be left with only compiled memories of clues, announcements, intimations, but never the central truth itself, which must somehow each time be too bright for her memory to hold; which must always blaze out, destroying its own message irreversibly, leaving an overexposed blank when the ordinary world came back.” This statement falls at the almost exact middle of the book. How does it sum up or comment on the novel to this point? How does it relate to any of the themes or threads we talked about last week? How does it define Oedipa at this point in the novel?
  • As Oedipa is drifting and wandering, she begins to think she sees the muted horn and W.A.S.T.E, and hears references to Thurn and Taxis and the Trystero everywhere. What do you make of the conspiracy she is attempting to uncover? Is there something to it, or is she (as she seems to be in this moment) finding correlations and connections that don’t mean anything?
  • When Oedipa runs into Mucho at the end of Chapter 5, he has changed, in great part due to the LSD. How does she react to this change?
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