powerpoint Class presentation and respond to FIVE classmates presentations

powerpoint Class presentation and respond to FIVE classmates presentations

  1. Class presentation, via Discussion Board, using a narrated PowerPoint slide presentation, of the project you identify as a sign of positive change. This will be a BRIEF (six slides, narrated) presentation.

Presentation Guidelines:follow these grading requirements to be eligible for maximum points.

Prepare 6 NARRATED Power Point slides with the following content:

  1. Picture of person, project, logo, etc. to introduce the subject of your presentation. 1 point
  2. Nutrition/food issue AND specific population targeted by this project. 2 points
  3. Overview of project including mission, goals and implementation of project. 3 points
  4. Why you chose this as a sign of positive change. 1 point
  5. Your choice…something related to this project you think your classmates should know about or something that was particularly inspiring about the work being done. 1 point
  6. Contact info for person, group or organization including links to websites and related resources. 1 point
  7. NARRATED Power Point presentation required.(6 points)

Submit Power point presentation posted to Discussion Board section in Blackboard by due date posted in Course Outline.(15 points)

Discussion Board:

You will view and respond to FIVE classmates’ presentations by Due Date posted in Course Outline.Each response is worth 2 points (for total possible of 10 points).Your responses must be thoughtful, significant, and show that a) you viewed the presentation and know what it is about, and b) you are providing appropriate, respectful, encouraging feedback to your classmate.Try to reach 300 words in each post.You may ask questions to your classmate and respond to their comments.Try to create a stimulating, useful educational atmosphere for yourself and others.

This is fun, make it fun and engaging!(10 points)

my project subject
Plant based eating group organization


PBNSG is a non-profit organization dedicated to evidence-based education and advocacy of plant-based whole food nutrition and an active lifestyle, to help prevent or reverse chronic disease and achieve optimal health.

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