Post Responses

Post Responses


HISTORY – You must respond the post below, 150-250 words in length.

Be sure to contribute a substantive message in this response, not simply a review or critique of the post.


The role of trade routes in creating new ideas and blended cultural styles in the ancient world by it having several basic causes involving continental crossroads trade, ports and the borders of countries are places where cultural blending commonly begins. Therefore, societies that are alone to benefit from the cultural blending are those that are open to new ways and are quite willing to adapt and change which can make a big difference on how cultural blending may be caused by certain patterns. Due to the causes of cultural blending are migration, pursuit of religious freedom or conversion, trade and conduct. In fact, cultural blending may also lead to changes in language, religion, styles of government, the use of technology, and military tactics that can change plenty of certain things when its regarding the cultural blending’s. There could also be different ways in having specific stuff becoming more clearer when describing the cultural blending’s especially when its involving society. Surrounded by the peoples of Christian Byzantium, the Turks were motivated to win both territory for their empire and converts to their Muslim religion. The Ottoman Empire’s location on a major trading route created many opportunities for contact with different cultures. Suleyman’s interest in learning and culture prompted him to bring the best foreign artists and scholars to his court. They brought new ideas about art, literature, and learning to the empire. With that being said, its been identified as it being Christian Byzantium and the Turks being motivated to have it be their territory and take part of all of the empire and having converts to their Muslim religion which can depend on those people who have initially regarding the importance of the empire and how it should be taken care of by those people in order for it to be kept as their territory.


SOCIOLOGY – Rios “Youth Control Complex” –

Respond to two posts. 2-3 complete sentences. Grammar is checked.




1. The youth control complex that Rios is discussing in his research is the unfair actions and the system not being fair to the children of color meaning African American and Hispanic youth. So many of them don’t even have a chance in society anymore if the system keeps failing them as a whole. I have seen some African American and Hispanic youth do bad things and get time in jail that was not necessary or get killed by police who is to protect and serve but if a youth of any other nationality do the same thing its a slap on the wrist. Youth coming from the “Ghetto” are already labeled as trouble makers or etc….. from the beginning not given a fair chance. It takes for someone to really believe in a youth from the ghetto and go the extra mile to help or save them

2. The impact is significant, because all it takes is one person to help the youth as a whole. Instead of looking at them as a burden look at them as young adults who still have a life ahead of them and help them. I’m African American and I see the struggles the young teen males face everyday. Society has a very big impact. This would let them know that they can make it out all it takes is for someone to believe in them.

3. Black and Latinos will always be labeled no matter what. Society painted that picture, so they fall victim. I can apply it to Rio’s work the youth control complex which is various institutions to criminalize, stigmatize and punish young inner city men of color.




The youth control complex discussed by Rios in the video is a process in which one’s daily lifestyle and behaviors become treated as threatening or even criminal. It is the process where many institutions in society come together to stigmatize and criminalize young men. Rios asked youth development workers to refer him to young people who were at “risk” of this “hypercriminalization” he calls it. This hypercriminalization has an impact on young Black and Latino males because of the communities they grow up in. Rios went into the statistics of how many prison inmates there are and that is 2.2 million with half of them being African American and a majority being poor. In addition to this, harsh policing in the inner city marks people at a very young age by the system.

Labeling theory is the belief that being labeled as “deviant” causes a person to behave deviantly. Applying labels to people causes them to engage in that label of the behavior and ultimately changes their self-concept. This applies to Rios work because he studied many young males who lived in lower class communities and he came to the conclusion that punishment from school and law enforcement mostly effects these individuals, ultimately leading them towards that crime behavior. When Rios talks about punishment he is talking about being an outcast and socially isolated which is the result of having negative interactions with people in society.




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