Policy Paper Outline

Policy Paper Outline

The Social Problem

What is the social problem you will examine?

History of the Problem

When did the problem first emerge historically?

Severity of the Issue

Statistics on the issue. Who is impacted by this issue?

Policy Strategies

What policy(ies) will you examine? At what level of government has this policy been enacted? Has this policy been a success or failure, why?


What is the paper’s primary argument/thesis? This will change oer time but describe your initial thoughts here.

Annotated Sources

Please provide at least at least 8 scholarly sources you will use in your discussion. The articles should come from appropriate sources (peer reviewed journal, research/position papers of legitimate think tanks or research centers, government documents may be appropriate as well). Sources should be in APA style. Sources should be up to date in most cases (within the last 5 years, some seminal or historical works may be older).There should be a brief annotation of the source summarizing its’ major finding or contribution. Please explain why it is relevant/appropriate to/for your topic.

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