OP-ed Analyisis

OP-ed Analyisis


Op-Ed Analysis

After practicing our rhetorical analysis skills and reading about several articles about the obesity epidemic, we are ready to perform a rhetorical analysis. The text we will be analyzing is an Op-Ed entitled “Obesity: America’s Enemy No. 1” by Jake Steinfeld. This article, published by Deseret News is available for you to read on Blackboard. You’ll need to read the article carefully, research the context (including aspects of the rhetorical situation), and then write your analysis.


  • Apply course concepts about rhetorical situations to Op-Ed example
  • Apply rhetorical analysis techniques to an argument to understand how the argument functions
  • Analyze the rhetorical strategies of an argument and articulate their effects
  • Evaluate arguments based on course readings


1. Discuss the rhetorical situation (exigence, audience, constraints) and any other relevant contextual information.

2. Identify the ways in which Steinfeld structures his argument. This means that you should explain his purpose, his claim(s), the underlying assumptions of his claim(s), and the rhetorical strategies he employs to reach his audience or overcome his constraints. These strategies may include rhetorical appeals to ethos/pathos/logos, concessions, and framing choices.

3. Evaluate Steinfeld’s argument in light of our other course readings. How do authors like Lupton, Shugart, Guthman, etc. challenge some of Steinfeld’s claims and underlying assumptions?

Details: This assignment should be 3-4 pages double-spaced. It should follow MLA formatting guidelines (see MLA sample paper from Purdue OWL) meaning 12pt font (Times New Roman or equivalent), 1-inch margins, etc.


An accurate discussion of the rhetorical situation and context. Should identify and address: exigence, audience, and constraints (especially audience-based constraints)

Purpose, Claims, Underlying Assumptions — This section should explain the authors argument in detail including the main claims and the assumptions that underlie the claims.

Rhetorical Appeals: Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Should identify the appeals and explain how they function in the author’s argument (i.e. how they overcome constraints or work to convince the audience.)

Other rhetorical strategies: These may include framing choices and concessions. A successful paper will show how these choices function to overcome constraints and/or convince the audience.

Discussion of Lupton/Shugart/Guthman: Writer should address at least two of these three writers and explain how their works challenge Steinfeld’s assumptions.

Quotations: The piece should have effectively selected quotations in order to illustrate the writer’s points.

Formatting and Citations: All quotations should be cited according to MLA formatting. The paper itself should be formatted according to MLA conventions (see Purdue OWL sample paper), double-spaced, written in 12pt. Times New Roman (or equivalent) font, with appropriate spacing and indentation of paragraphs.

please follow all instructions and rubric or paper will not be accepted. Please make sure every requirement for this post is met in order to be accepted. Any plagiarism will not be accepted.

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