Instructions are in description box

Instructions are in description box

1. From chapter 5, highlight and summarize the key points given for listening.

2. From chapter 6, give an overview of significant steps to take with informing patients.

3. Write a concluding paragraph summarizing what motivational interviewing involves and if you can see yourself being able to use this approach with patients (within the social work profession)? Why or why not? List the pros and cons with this approach.

Book link:

Book reference: Rollnick, S., & William, R. M., Butler, C. C. (2008).
Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior. New York, New York: Guilford Publications.

Please answer the questions as asked with proper grammar and complete sentences. Even where it says highlight the key points in number one make sure that this is placed in complete sentences. Each question need to be at least 150-200 word count if possible.

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