Identify the fallacy or fallacies in each set and explain why the statements are in valid.

Identify the fallacy or fallacies in each set and explain why the statements are in valid.

a. grades are irrelevant to learning. students are in college to get an education, not good grades. the university should eliminate grading altogether.

b. the best policy is to put juvenile offenders in jail so that they can get a taste of reality. otherwise, they will repeat their crime again and again.

c. so called sex education programs do nothing to decrease the rate of teenage pregnancy. further expenditures on these programs should be curtailed.

d. this country should research environmentally sound ways to use coal as an energy resource. if we dont, we will become enslaved to the oil rich middle east nations.

e. if we allow abortion, people will think its acceptable to kill the homeless or pull the plug on sick people – Two groups that are also weak and frail.

f. two members of the state legislature have introduced gun-control legislation. both have led sheltered, pampered lives that prevent them from seeing how ordinary people need guns to protect themselves.

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