How to respond to a students response 1

How to respond to a students response 1

Living a moral life means having an ability to determine right and wrong. According to Ray (2009) “In fact, it is unlikely that any sort of civilized society could continue unless it had concern for key moral values, such as fairness, justice, truthfulness, and compassion. Ethics are important because they give direction to people and societies who have some sense that they cannot flourish without being moral” (pg.12). In living a moral life, one must have integrity and compassion towards another. Showing respect and having respect goes along ways in living a righteous life. In my opinion, this is how I view living a moral life. If everyone did whatever they wanted to without any consequences such as Gyges then the world would be in bad shape. I would not want to live in a world without consequences for actions that are unjust as I believe this is not the Lords way of living. We should all be held accountable for all our actions and be able to determine right and wrong and learn from our mistakes if they are made. The Holy Bible states “Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee” (Psalm 25:21, King James Version). In living a moral life, there are many traits and values that correlate as we are children of God. We ought to love one another as God loves us and care for one another and show our children those traits so those values can be carried on for future to come. Everyday we must pray for God’s wisdom and guidance to lead us in the right direction.


Rae, S. (2009). Moral choices: An introduction to ethics (3rd ed.). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

120 words either agreeing disagreeing or relating to

At least one reference

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