homework for Chicano culture

homework for Chicano culture

Read the pages from the book (only the pages listed down below)


Chomsky, Aviva. They Take our Jobs! and 20 Other Myths About Immigration

            Parts 1 & 2, Myths 1 through 9

1.     A Note on Terminology  (vii-x)

2.     Introduction   (xi-xxvi)

3.     Parts 1 & 2, Myths 1 through 9 (1 thru 74)


Answer the questions and include the page number of the answer after every each answer. 


1.   Know the terms introduced in the “Terminology” section.


2.   Identify 3 main points Chomsky presents in the Introductory Chapter


3.   For each of the 9 chapters on Myths, take notes on:


a.     The myths, and

b.     Her arguments that disprove the myths

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