Grandma vs Research

Grandma vs Research

In PART I of the paper, begin by reflecting on the benefits and drawbacks of accepting advice from stories told by previous generations (i.e. “I did that with my kids and they turned out just fine.”). For example, you may have heard a grandparent suggest that you put a bit of whiskey on an infant’s gums to help with teething. Consider your own thoughts about anecdotal advice such as this and think about why it may be true in some cases, but not in others.

Then, watch the Endless Questions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video analyzing child development research and find one additional scholarly source of your choice (see tips and a link to tutorials below). Use these resources to address the following:

  • Overview some of the specific research methods described in the video to study happiness. Which seemed the most effective to you and why?
  • Why is it important to utilize developmental theory to explain children’s development?
  • What makes scholarly research different from anecdotal evidence (personal experience) in explaining child and adolescent development?

You are required to utilize at least one (1) additional scholarly source not from this week’s required readings. You must cite all of your sources (including the video embedded above) in proper APA style. If you are unsure how to create an APA style reference page

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