Experimental Study using Behavioural Theories

Experimental Study using Behavioural Theories

Experimental study

With reference to relevant behavioural theories, you will design a study to explore habit formation. You will be evaluating the effectiveness of a behavioural strategy in forming a new habit over the period of eight (8) days.

The study should be based on at least two measurements of the chosen behaviour (habit): (1) before attempting any behaviour intervention (Day 0) and (2) after eight days of attempting your chosen behavioural strategy or strategies (Day 8).

You will present the report, in APA style, that includes the following segments:

  • Introduction: Evaluate the theory and existing literature on the behavioural approach and the habit that you have chosen to study. The objectives and hypotheses of the research should be clearly stated here.
  • Method: Information about the participant, measures, procedure and how you will determine the effectiveness of the behavioural intervention, that is, how the results will be analysed.
    (Screenshot of my textbook on Application of Behaviourism which might be useful here: https://imgur.com/a/hBa4Jhn)
    (Screenshot of my textbook on Assessment which might be useful here: https://imgur.com/a/DBXF70G)

  • Results: Findings from your research, with a clear statement on whether your experimental hypothesis was accepted or rejected.
  • Discussion: Explain why your hypothesis was accepted or rejected, using research evidence to support your claims. You should also state the limitations and implications of your research.

Additional notes/guidance/instructions:

  • Determine the exact focus of your research project.
  • Compare the various behavioural and learning theories and concepts, and apply the relevant personality theories to design your study. (Theories of Behaviorism that you’ll need to read up on and include in the report: Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Social-Learning Theory by Rotter, Social-Cognitive Theory by Bandura)
  • Develop a detailed experimental hypothesis and propose how you want to conduct your research.

  • Over the span of eight days, you should be subject to the intervention for the purpose of testing the hypothesis.

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