essay 4 the prompt is attached

essay 4 the prompt is attached

Thesis and my 3 monsters: Essay 4

The monster culture, by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen is an interesting theory that discusses how different monsters were perceived in the past. Different cultures had a different story of a monster who most people feared and who seemed to terrorize them. I agree with Cohen’s culture of the monsters since the seven these discussed are common in all the monster tales I have read or heard about. According to Cohen, monsters have a cultural body, they always escape, the monsters threaten conformity, they are seen as outsiders, they ensure that “normal people” do not cross the lines, they represent both fear and attraction and they make us re-evaluate the cultural assumptions. In this essay, I will use three monsters to support Cohen’s theses. The monsters are; Frankenstein, Dracula and The Minotaur. The thesis I will use in this essay is, The Monster dwells at the gates of difference.


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