English research eassy

English research eassy

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Introduction Paragraph

Criminalization of sexual commerce is a worldwide issue and also an inveterate idea in people’s mind for several decades. This point of view needs to change due to the following reasons, firstly, criminalization of sexual commerce will increase not only unnecessary judicial cost but also avoid unjust authoritative treatment or criminal conviction. Secondly, sex works or prostitute can be the biggest victim of criminalization of sexual commerce due to their work condition and lack of protection. Thirdly some positive outcomes could come from decriminalizing prostitution such as having a better code of practice for the sex worker, and better public security cause illegal sexual commerce always involved with criminal gangs.

Paragraph 1

Criminalization of sexual commerce will increase not only unnecessary judicial cost but also avoid unjust authoritative treatment or criminal conviction

Paragraph 2

Sex works or prostitute can be the biggest victim of criminalization of sexual commerce due to their work condition and lack of protection.

Paragraph 3

Some positive outcomes could come from decriminalizing prostitution such as having a better code of practice for the sex worker, and better public security cause illegal sexual commerce always involved with criminal gangs.


Because of the previous explanation, we should decriminalized sexual commerce

Annotated Bibliography

1 Barnett, Laura, et al. Prostitution in Canada: International Obligations, Federal Law, and Provincial and Municipal Jurisdiction. vol. publication no. 2011-119-E;no. 2011-119-E.;, Library of Parliament = Bibliothèque du Parlement, Ottawa, 2014.

Laura’s article introduces the current international obligations Canada owns, federal laws,

and provincial and Municipal Judication. This is important for paper because it gives

readers an insight and knowledge into current conditions and why we are arguing for


2 Davies, Jacqueline M. ” in Canada: Context and Concepts for Critical Analysis.” The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, vol. 24, no. 2, 2015, pp. 78-91.

Davie’s work explores the current criminalization of sexual commerce in Canada. It will give us a better understanding of the general topic. This article also brings us much information about legislation for sex workers in Canada.

3 Bungay, V., and A. Guta. “Strategies and Challenges in Preventing Violence Against Canadian Indoor Sex Workers.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 108, no. 3, 2018, pp. 393-398.

Vicky and Adrian’s work explore the strategies and challenges in preventing violence against Canadian indoor sex workers. This paper could tie in with the argument to decriminalize it. One of the arguments is that prostitutes struggle with violence and there are safety concerns surrounding that.

4 Statistics Canada, Cristine Rotenberg. “Prostitution Offences in Canada: Statistical Trends Prostitution Offences in Canada: Statistical Trends.” Prostitution Offences in Canada: Statistical Trends, 10 Nov. 2016, www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2016001/article/14670-eng.htm.

Cristine’s work shows us solid data about the prostitution offenses in Canada. This is important for the paper because it gives readers undeniable evidence about the severe consequence of criminalized sexual commerce and also gives readers insight and knowledge into current conditions and why we are arguing for decriminalization.

5 Hayman, Laurie. “ Master of Studies in Law Research Papers Repository.” Visioning Legalized Consensual Adult Sex Work In Canada, Sept. 2017, pp. 1–84., ir.lib.uwo.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=mslp.

Laurie’s article explores the current criminal law and its effects on people in sex work. It is essential to our discussion because it shows the benefit of decriminalized sexual commerce.

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