Egyptology and Remote Sensing Technology

Egyptology and Remote Sensing Technology

Post answers to the following:

  1. After watching the Did You Know video in the ARTmap, what are some other areas that remote sensing technology could be applied to discover what can’t be seen with the naked eye? For example, finding shipwrecks or monitoring air pollution, etc. Please explain your answer.
  2. Respond to at least one classmate’s post by offering additional details or ideas, a different perspective, or links to interesting, relevant articles or websites. Conclude with a question or new idea to further stimulate the discussion.

Classmate’s response ( After watching the ARTmap Did You Know video, I started to think about the different ways remote sensing could be helpful. Remote sensing could specifically be used for disaster relief. After major disasters, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc., many people are trapped beneath the rubble of the buildings harmed. It is tragic how many people survive horrific events, only to be trapped in ruins and left to die or suffer until help reaches them. The search for individuals in the remains of disasters also puts first responders and their service animals at risk. If remote sensing technology was implemented to help locate and rescue victims stuck in the remnants of a disaster, we could save people more quickly and efficiently with less risk for emergency responders. )

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