due in one hour but very easy

due in one hour but very easy

 need someone can write perfectly. You have you take a well look at the attachments before you hand shake me. in the attachments you can see the instructions of how I want my summary.


Write a summary of the attached video. Write your best summary. Be sure to proofread.


  • Present major points, omitting details

  • A summary sentence begins the summary paragraph

  • No opinions just your “voice”

  • Third person only

  • No quotations

  • Complete sentences, no run on sentences

  • Let the reader know what you are summarizing

  • Cite the source being summarized in MLA format

  • Maximum – 125 words



WARNING: DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES such as imdb.com or Amazon. If you do, you fail the final.

 I need it very soon, but perfectly written 

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