Drama, examine a fictional story critically

Drama, examine a fictional story critically


Why read fiction? What is drama? Should we care about a story that is ‘made up’? This unit will focus on how to critically read fiction and an exploration of drama. We will start with using Part 1 to analyze the story we’ve read and then you will have a short Part 2 that will demonstrate synthesis of your learned knowledge. Finally, your Part 3 this week will be an evaluation of the importance of being able to critically review fiction.


The reading assignments for this unit are:

  • ENGL 1405 Unit 1(PDF)– How to read fiction and think.

Also, you are responsible for reading ONE of the following:



For your first Part 1, you will write about the four main things you noticed about the story you read. Do NOT retell the story, but give a description of what you thought about in relation to the story when you read it. What stood out for you? What made you think?

Please write an essay of complete and well composed paragraphs (250 word minimum for the entire essay) Be sure to use in text citation and provide references for your sources. Wikipedia is not a source.


You have read a piece of Drama for this unit. Part of analysis is to be able to apply your world view to a new subject. In 6-7 sentences, write a paragraph or two on how your day would change if you had to live in the world of the story you’ve read.


This week we have learned about how one can examine a fictional story critically.

Consider the following questions for reflection:

You will discuss the importance of being able to analyze fiction and, if possible, how you can apply this analytical tool to your own life.

Please write an essay of complete and well composed paragraphs (250 word minimum for the entire essay) Be sure to use in text citation and provide references for your sources. Wikipedia is not a source.

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