

Please review the “Argumentative Research Paper Guidelines” carefully, and decide which topic you are leaning toward and why. If you’re torn between two topics, you may address both in this discussion. While it’s preferred that you choose a topic related to your field of study or career choice, it’s also OK to pick the one that simply sounds most interesting to you. Just be sure to discuss why you are thinking of choosing that particular topic and whether there are any specific aspects you are hoping to find research on.

You will respond to my initial thread. Your post should be 150-300 words. It is also recommended that you type your responses this semester into a Word document so that you can proofread your work and easily figure out the word count. Then, you can copy and paste your response into the text box. Save all discussion posts in this document so you can easily access them later. Discussion posts will be deducted 1 point for every 25 words under/over. Also, students will lose 2 points automatically for any duplicate, word-count only, or blank posts. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to see other students’ posts before you submit your own, and once you submit your post, you will not be able to edit or delete your post. Therefore, it is imperative that you proofread and ensure you have met the requirements and word count before posting.

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