

You MUST have the book and READ the book “On the Beach” by Nevil Shute. (Chapter 1- 4)

You MUST have the book and READ the book “On the Beach” by Nevil Shute.(Chapter 1- 4)


  • Read Nevil Shute’s On the Beach, chapters 1 – 4
    • These pages cover the first half of the book. Use your active reading strategies to ruminate and annotate the important scenes and parts of the story as you read. Makes notes and references will help you return to those scenes and sections as you write about them and discuss them over the coming days and weeks.
  • Listen to Colorado Matters Book Club podcast, “Post-Apocalyptic Literature: Is It Useful? Is It Moral?”
    • Our culture seems to have developed an obsession for entertainment depicting a grim future. Post-apocalyptic films and television shows often have their origins in print. Award-winning Colorado authors Peter Heller, Helen Thorpe, and Lisa Jones discuss three books of the genre including Shute’s On the Beach. The discussion culminates with a discussion of the usefulness and morality of the genre.

    Website: http://www.cpr.org/news/story/post-apocalyptic-lit…



Complete your Individual Response using the prompt given below. Your IR should be written in a separate document then cut/pasted into a new thread on the discussion board. Be sure your IR follows these guidelines:

  • Will focus on the specific prompt provided below
  • Will be a minimum of 200 words in length to be considered “acceptable”
  • “Superior/Exceptional” responses will go above and beyond in detail, clarity, complexity, and thoughtfulness
  • Will directly reference the reading(s)/lecture(s) (use at least one citation from each source)
  • Will include proper MLA citation and Works Cited listing at the end

Writing Circle Prompt


After completing the assigned pages from the assigned novel, consider and write about the following:

Record your reactions and responses to the text so far. Look through your “active reading” notes and write about what you found memorable, noteworthy, or otherwise striking in the text. Where did you experience to strongest of emotional reactions? How do you account for those?

In your response, include details and expanded notes on characters, situations, and actions that you find important or vital to the story and our class theme. Why are these important and worth mentioning in your response?

Also, include your reaction to CPR Podcast on post-apocalyptic fiction. Be specific about how you feel this story and/or the characters connect in some way to the ideas discussed.

You MUST have the book and READ the book “On the Beach” by Nevil Shute.(Chapter 1- 4)

You MUST have the book and READ the book “On the Beach” by Nevil Shute.(Chapter 1- 4)

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