


Many colleges and universities have Offices of Disability Services to support students with documented learning and physical disabilities. Perhaps you or someone you know has benefited from these offices. For this discussion, share your thoughts on the following questions:

  1. Should colleges and universities have offices of disability services?
  2. Do you feel the services provided a level playing field or an advantage to those who use their services?
  3. Share your response in two 8-9 sentence paragraphs.

Discussion post instructions:

– Complete your posts and response to more than two classmates. Complete original post and peer responses within the discussion time frame and on different days in the week. This allows you and your peers to have a continuation of discussion.

– Write posts that are of sufficient length, relevant and reflect your deep understanding. Please include a question to encourage other students for further discussion. Refer to resources inside and outside the course using accurate APA citation.

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