Discussion 5

Discussion 5

Discussion #5

The British entered the Revolutionary war with clear advantages in population, wealth, and power, leading them to believe that they would be engaging in a quick police action. It was clear to them that once they isolated and removed the radicals in Massachusetts and Philadelphia, the rebellion would be over. The colonists, on the other hand, had a home advantage fighting on familiar ground. They were also fueled by the republican virtue of freedom, and equality, boldly stating “….that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” While these were very inspiring words, the reality was that these conditions were not shared by all colonists.

To prepare for this discussion forum:

  • Review and identify the relevant sections of Chapter 7 that support your discussion.

After you have completed your reading, post your answers to only ONE of the following questions.

    1. In your opinion, which group played the most significant role in helping to win the war? The Continental Army, the colonists, the rebel militias, the French allies, or the British themselves? Support your argument.
    2. In which ways was the American Revolution democratic? Not democratic? Explain your position.
    3. How revolutionary was, the American war for Independence? Did it bring enough change to warrant the name “Revolution”?

In order to earn the full credit points for this assignment, students must discuss at least one question, and respond to a fellow student’s postings:

  1. Directly and completely to the question that you selected. Clearly and accurately explain your answer based on factual information contained in the readings. Make sure that all statements are supported with facts from the readings (80 points).
  2. Students must respond to at least one fellow student’s posting and discuss the reason(s) for their agreement or disagreement, with the arguments that are presented. You must address specific points, and support your response with facts from the readings and other sources. (20 points).
  3. Students can choose to respond to any posting, they do have to respond to a posting that discusses the question they addressed.

Reminder: Please make sure to comply with all Netiquette Guidelines listed in the Getting Started module.

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