critical thinking

critical thinking

To complete this assignment, follow the instructions below.

  • Review the description of a precis in this section after exercise 2.16 in the textbook. You can also see examples throughout chapter 2. Then, consider statements 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, or 10 in Exercise 2.18 (found in chapter 2).
  • Choose two statements and present an analysis in a proper paragraph. Be sure to identify the essential elements including
    • the source of the statements;
    • any claims;
    • whether those claims present an argument; and, if so,
    • Which of these claims are reasons that offer evidence for the truth of the claim?
  • Feel free to add any additional information you feel is pertinent to analyzing each statement.


Write a Critical Précis for two of the following passages.

  1. Ethics generally starts with truth and fairness. In the case of advertising, truth and fairness go hand in hand. Lying about a product is unfair to customers, who are cheated and exploited by the dishonest claim. So the foundation of ethical advertising is that ads should tell the truth.—Dean A. Bredeson and Keith Goree, Ethics in the Workplace
  2. Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical.—Yogi Berra
  3. The foods you choose have cumulative effects on your body. Some of the foods you eat today become part of “you” tomorrow. The best food for you, then, is the kind that provides sufficient nutrients and water.—Frances Sizer and Ellie Whitney, Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies
  4. I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.—Henry David Thoreau, Walden
  5. I believe we find in the movement of revolt the common ground on which men can unite.—Albert Camus
  6. An apology gains credibility as time passes without a relapse, and for this reason we can only finally judge the offender’s commitment to reform over the duration of her life.—Nick Smith, I Was Wrong: The Meaning of Apologies
  7. I agree that every household should add $5 to their taxes to help work the pumps to keep water in the Kern River during the summer, as long as the money goes to this purpose.—Letter to the editor, The Bakersfield Californian
  8. You can rely on York. The Affinity Series air conditioners are always quiet, energy-efficient and dependable.—Ad for York Air Conditioners
  9. The Cubs’ only Type A free agent would have gained the club two draft picks if he had been offered arbitration and signed elsewhere.—Chicago Tribune
  10. Court officials say a Birmingham, Alabama woman who changed her name to Jesus Christ was excused from jury service because she was disruptive and kept asking questions instead of answering them.—

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