Could things have been different?

Could things have been different?

Your essay should be roughly 5 to 6 double-spaced pages. An excellent essay uses specific evidence drawn from assigned readings and lectures, is well-organized, makes a coherent argument supported by evidence, and engages with the historical significance of your chosen topic. An excellent essay also has a title that captures the essay’s argument in a few words. For references to assigned reading, lectures, etc. use parenthetical citations, If citing outside reading, news stories, etc., use footnotes. No bibliography necessary if you follow these rules.

Could things have been different?

Beginning in the 1970s, trade unions in the U.S. began a steep decline in membership and influence (something that did not happen to the same degree in most other industrialized nations). What were the most important factors contributing to this historical process, and what events were the decisive turning points? Did labor leaders and rank and file activists of the time have any chance to stop or reverse this decline, or were the die cast by earlier generations? You may use a counter-factual approach (imagining a different historical path), or traditional historical analysis.

For example what may happen if jeff kennedy would assassinate ? what may happen to U.S.A ?

( the essay is for American Working Class Movements )

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