Complete Psych Assignment

Complete Psych Assignment

Operational Definition

Please complete Section I, II and III of this assignment. Be sure to read the instructions for each section

Definition: To design a study using the experimental method, you must generate operational definitions of your independent and dependent variables. For example, if you wanted to test the idea that ignorance causes bliss, you must define these vague, general, abstract, and invisible terms in a way that they are clear, specific, concrete, and visible. Without operational definitions, researchers could not repeat your study. Researchers need a recipe and a way to measure and manipulate variables in a way that is observable. In the case of whether or not ignorance causes bliss, you need an operational definition to describe your manipulation of “ignorance” (your independent variable) and an operational definition to describe you measurement “bliss” (your dependent variable).

I. In the experimental method, your independent variable is manipulated. In the following studies: a) What is the independent variable? b) What is the dependent variable? c) What is the operational definition of the independent variable (specifically, was the independent variable manipulated)?

A. In a study examining sound and memory, participants are divided into three groups. The control group will listen to soft noises while reading a passage. Experimental group A listen to whale songs while reading the passage. Experimental group B, will listen to an Italian aria (Voy Che Sapete from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro) while reading the passage. All participants will be given the same passage to read. Afterwards, participants will be given a memory test on the passage.

B. In a study examining aggression and mood, participants are divided into three groups. The control group will watch the weather channel for 15 minutes Experimental group A will watch the TV show “Friends” for 15 minutes. Experimental group B will watch “CSI” for 15 minutes. Afterwards, participants will be given a mood questionnaire.

II. As you may have noted, independent variables can be manipulated in terms of type (e.g., in the case of caffeine, participants can be given coffee, tea, or chocolate). Independent variables can also be manipulated in terms of amount/number (e.g., in the case of caffeine, participants can be given 5 cups of coffee, 3 cups of coffee, or 1 cup of coffee). In the following examples, operationally define the independent variable. In other words, what will your groups do?

A. In a study examining exercise (IV) on depression (DV).

B. In a study examining social activity (IV) on memory (DV) for older adults.

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