respond discussion2:What Makes a good interview

respond discussion2:What Makes a good interview

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and provide additional insight as to what makes a good qualitative interview.

Kastina Hayes

RE: Discussion 2 – Week 7


Main Question Post.


Among other things, communication is the key to a good qualitative interview. Linda Crawford mentioned that the establishment of a level of rapport and trust is important in a good interview (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Crawford suggested engaging the participant, asking open-ended questions, and using appropriate body language are other characteristics of a good interview (Laureate Education [Producer], 2016). Rubin and Rubin (2012) mentioned that the interviewer should use verbal and nonverbal communication to show interest in what the participant is saying and try to learn from the participant’s experiences. This is a guaranteed way to build that level of rapport and trust with the participant. Even if the researcher does not agree with what is being said, the researcher should still be engaged in the conversation, and show positivity throughout the interview. This method helps the participant feel more comfortable, and the more comfortable the participant is the more the participant will share. The acceptance of differences between the researcher and the participant is the only way to gain a good interview in the light of disagreements (Rubin & Rubin, 2012).

Good Interview Guide

  1. Prepare
    1. I plan to use an app on my cell phone as a recorder to capture the conversation between myself and the participant. This way, I will be able to concentrate more on the participant and make good eye contact, rather than focusing on taking good notes.
    2. I will transcribe the interview myself. This is a free service, and although time consuming, I will be sure to capture every sentence verbatim notating who is speaking. I will also highlight the questions I ask.
    3. Creating an interview guide helps to keep everything in order and helps to stay one track.
    4. My introduction will be brief, but inviting and informational. I will be sure to stand and greet the participant. Making and keeping eye contact is important. I will thank the participant for helping me with my study and remind the participant what the study is about. I will advise the participant of the estimated amount of time it should take to complete the interview. Followed by what to expect after the interview. I will ensure the participant’s identity will not be disclosed, as everything is completely confidential. I will remind the participant that his or her participation is strictly voluntary and any questions he or she does not want to answer is completely understandable, and he or she has the right to discontinue the interview at any time. I will advise the participant that the interview will be recorded for transcription purposes only. I will ask if there are any questions before we begin, then ask if the participant is ready to begin.
    5. I will practice my interview with a friend so I can get comfortable with the script.
    6. The final step in the “prepare” stage is to set up the interview.
  2. Conduct the interview
    1. Before the interview starts, I will be sure to test the recording app on my cell phone to be sure it works properly.
    2. I will have the interview guide with me with a pen to take notes.
      1. Once the interview is over, I will take detailed notes on my experience. I will be sure to notate any unspoken reactions I had to any of the comments provided by the participant.
      2. I will verify the interview recorded correctly.
    3. I will be sure to transcribe the interview as soon as possible while everything is still fresh and the emotions are still live.


  1. Can you give me your definition of what social change is?
  2. Is social change important to you?
    1. If so, why is it so important to you?
    2. If not, why do you think it is not so important to you?
  3. If you had the resources to make social change happen right now, what would be the first thing you would do?
    1. Why would this be your first social change?
  4. In your opinion, who does social change impact?
  5. Does this group influence your want for social change?
  6. Is one person’s desire for social change enough for effective social change?
    1. If so, why do you think social change does not happen more often?
    2. If not, in your opinion, how do we get more involved in the process?
  7. Do you believe social change is more about weeding out the negative, or uplifting the positive? Or both?
    1. Can you provide an example?
  8. Do you believe social change should be incorporated in all aspects of daily life, such as home, school, work, play, etc.?
    1. Why or why not?


I think the interview guide is a great tool to use to help keep everything in line and on track. Staying within the guidelines of the guide helps to keep the interview precise and on time. I think it is okay to have an open dialogue and elaborate on questions, but sticking to the guide keeps the interview from going over the allotted time and makes sure all questions are answered. However, if the interview goes smoothly and there are a few minutes left, the interviewer will have a few minutes to review areas that could use more elaboration. I do have a question about interview allotted times. I wonder if it is ever acceptable to build in 10 to 15 extra minutes to allow for open dialogue and discussion on some questions that need a little more attention?


Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Doctoral research: Interviewing techniques, part one [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Rubin, H. J., Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data, 3rd Edition. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from…