BMIS 209( pacific Trials Resort case)

BMIS 209( pacific Trials Resort case)



  • Compete the Pacific Trails Resort Case Study from Chapter 4.
  • Create an external style sheet to configure color for your Pacific Trails Resort web site.








  • You will need your textbook, Basics of Web Design, Notepad++ or TextWrangler, a browser and an Internet connection to complete this assignment.




Set up your Folders and Hands-On Practice




  1. You should have set up your folders for this class in Assignment #1A. If you haven’t then go back and do this first.
  2. Create a folder named chapter04 under the itd110/hopractice folder structure. Store the hands on practice exercises from Chapter 4 in this folder.
  3. We will be doing most of these during class in the classroom section. You will not be submitting these exercises, but you need to understand them so you can complete the assignments for this chapter


  • Hands-On Practice 4.1 Inline CSS page 108
  • Hands-On Practice 4.2 Embedded CSS page 110
  • Hands-On Practice 4.3 External Styles page 113
  • Hands-On Practice 4.4 Class and ID Selectors page 115
  • Hands-On Practice 4.5 Span Element page 116
  • Hands-On Practice 4.6 External Style Sheet page 118
  • Hands-On Practice 4.7 CSS Syntax Validation page 120




Final Result




  • The 2 finished pages should look like the examples below. The external CSS file supplies the colors and text properties.















Set up your Assignment Folder




  1. Create a folder named chapter04 under your itd110/assigns folder.
  2. Create a folder named ch4pacific under your itd110/assigns/chapter04 folder. Store the files for this assignment in this folder.
  3. See the score sheet before for the filenames and to understand how your assignment will be scored.
  4. Copy your previous version of the Pacific Trails files from Chapter 2 to this new folder.




Web Site Case Study




  1. Complete the Web Site Case Study for Pacific Trails Resort from Chapter 4.
    1. Instructions are on pages 124-126 of the textbook.
  2. You have five tasks in this case study:
    1. Create a new folder for the Pacific Trails Resort website.
    2. Create an external style sheet named pacific.css
    3. Update the home page: index.html
    4. Update the yurts page: yurts.html
    5. Update the pacific.css style sheet
  3. Note: Change to book instructions. For Task #3 and #4, include your full name as well as your current email address at the bottom of each page in the copyright notice email link.




    1. Correct example:
      Carlotta Eaton
      [email protected]
    2. Do NOTuse your [email protected] as shown in the textbook figures.
  1. Test your links to be sure that they work from page to page.
  2. Use the HTML Validator to check for any html errors. Do not submit.
  3. Use the CSS Validator to check for any css errors. Print to submit for the next assignment.




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