argumentive outline

argumentive outline

I want to base my argument on is homeschooling effective

  • First, answer the first four questions.
  • Then complete your outline according to the directions below.
  • The thesis & supporting claims should be written as complete sentences.
  • Of course, you can have more than 4 supporting claims. I recommend you come up with as many as you can. I also recommend you have at least 4.
  • You may also write more than one idea for a counter argument. Consider each counter argument as a body paragraph. You can have as many counter arguments as you need.
  • The evidence section can be written as fragments or short ideas of what you want to discuss in that paragraph. You can write down as much evidence as you can think of.
  • This outline should not be written in paragraph form. It should be a labelled list of the elements below. Here is a blank outline that you can fill in:Blank Outline
  • Many students will be asked to revise and resubmit their outline. Please look for feedback soon after you submit it.
  • Here is a student sample of a completed outline: 102 Formal Outline Student Sample

First Four Questions

1. What is your goal or purpose with this argumentative essay?

2. Who is your intended audience(s)? [Everyone is not the answer, neither is no one, anyone, the public, etc. Name a group or groups of people.]

3. What values will your chosen audience find important? [value: (noun) a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.]

4. What values will your opponents have on this topics? What do those who disagree with you believe?

Formal Outline

Thesis Statement (This should not be a question. It should be a statement.)

Supporting Claim #1



Supporting Claim #2



Supporting Claim #3



Supporting Claim #4



Counter Argument

Opposition’s Claim: List one supporting claim from the opposition (the people who disagree wit