5 Page essay

5 Page essay

Hi this is my 2nd attempt today, I gave it to someone and they never finished or replied to me.

The questions are personal. You do not know me personally but you can just make it up as you go. You are welcome to use any references, please cite them.

Please address the following questions in the essay:

1. Analyze the key cultural influences that have shaped you (family, friends, neighborhood, city, region, schools, mores, customs, religion, business practices, national influences, codes of conduct, occupational norms, etc.) in contrast to those of other cultures and sub-cultures.

2. An analysis of your individual strengths and weaknesses.

3. Describe the consequences for your learning and growth as a person and/or future manager or leader. What have you learned about yourself and others that you can put to work to meet your goals for your life and your work? What are your next steps in applying this kind of learning?

4. What motivations drive me? What are my core values? What do I love, hate, fear, avoid, want? What is my self-concept or self-image? Where am I in my life right now, and how did I arrive here?

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