2000-2500 words paper (excluding the title, table of contents, reference and appendices pages) Note no plagiarism at all

2000-2500 words paper (excluding the title, table of contents, reference and appendices pages) Note no plagiarism at all

So the one attachment is the google docs my group used. the other is the guideline form professor. she wants those headings/sections and whatever other requirements I think reviewed journals,etc… you will see on the attachment. This professor is super serious and picky about plagiarism sooooo please ensure there is none of that.

.our group papers must match a bit so the hypothesis I will send you…also my papers need to more geared like this:

Um, ok so you didn’t observe anyone in class. You could write your paper about how the teacher effected the not having their phones in class and hear it towards that. It could actually be a good counterpoint agrguement to make, where because the teacher was adamant about no phones it changed normal student behaviour given the context.

I have also attached the group powerpoint presentation where you will find hypothesis, methods and whatnot….just not word for word 🙂


Kindly Follow all the instructions on the attached doc below

Note this carefully no plagiarism

The paper should be well formarted with a title page, Table of content, Reference and Appendicies

Excellent English and good flow

the paper should be 2000-2500 words (excluding the title, table of contents, reference and appendices pages

Everything you need to write the paper is attached below

Be very careful when writing this paper i need a unique original and Excellent work

Thank you

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