2 pages about ceramic work

2 pages about ceramic work

Students will be given an article dealing with contemporary ceramics or some form of sculpture or drawing that relates to the ceramic field. Students will then reflect on the article presented commenting on the work for 400-500 words. The goal of this assignment is to increase awareness of contemporary artists and their work, and to reference ceramic forms, textures, and surfaces that can be redirected into student work. Also, through writing, students will improve their visual analytical skills and understanding of artist’s concepts, which drive the works production. Emphasis will be given to student’s personal reflections about the artist’s work and the article.

So as the prof told us on how to do this assignment

i want you to write on how they fire their pots and how long it takes them to do it

write about anything you find interesting

dont forget to work cite this film

so to have a lot to write about or enough to fill 2 pages

i uploded to pics and i want you to write on how the colors interact with each other

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